
In Hindi or in common language is known as Lahsuniya be considered to be a stone of planet Ketu (Dragon Tail) .

Lahsuniya which is known as Salvation of KAALPURUSHA.

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In Hindi or in common language is known as Lahsuniya be considered to be a stone of planet Ketu (Dragon Tail) .

Lahsuniya which is known as Salvation of KAALPURUSHA.

in astrology, gemstones are recommended on the basis of the position of planets in the birth chart of Native .Native with unfavourable Ketu in their birth chart strongly recommended should wear Lahsuniya.

It is useful for eradicating evil influence of ketu and diseased caused by Mars

Malefic or unfavourable Ketu play very important role in various ways in first manner you should start facing problem Respect to your son that he is not able to succeed in his life or carrier. and Secondly you will face a lot of difficulties in personal and professional carrier if working in government sector will not get any promotion and also not be able to run your business else.

Person having this kind of problem strongly advised to wear Cats eye to reduce the bad effect and overcome the problem facing by you.

It cures paralysis and mishapening in life and attracts wealth by serrate means like horse, racing, gambling, stock exchange market and speculation..

You are also strongly advised to wear Cats Eye from the Vedaksh Jyotish Sewa Sans than because we provide certified Lahsuniya at best price.

How to wear this:-

Cat’s Eye should be worn in Shukla paksha or on Saturday under good Nakshatra period. in golden Ring or Silver Ring  armlet in Middle or Ring Fingers  ( 3rd or 4th Finger) after purifying the gems with clean water, raw milk, and the wholly Ganges chant mantras prescribe stone 108 times and then wear  it in the above mention fingers

 श्रां ज़ी श्रों सः केतवे  नमः

Om Shrang Shreeng Shraung sah Ketve Namah.


a) All products are genuine and laboratory certified.
b) A lab-tested certificate will be provided with all products.
c) Expected delivery is within 7 to 10 days.

Price per Ratti

300.00, 400.00, 500.00


10.25, 11.25, 12.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25, 7.25, 8.25, 9.25


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