
It is Substitute stone of Blue Sapphire for planet Saturn .  It is Second Largest   planet in our solar system & has an vast effect on a life of Individual.

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It is Substitute stone of Blue Sapphire for planet Saturn .  It is Second Largest   planet in our solar system & has an vast effect on a life of Individual.

Saturn which is known as Sorrow of KAALPURUSHA.

In astrology, gemstones are recommended on the basis of the position of planets in the birth chart of Native .Native with unfavourable Saturn in their birth chart strongly recommended should wear Neelam.

Phiroza  is widely used by people with sun sign Capricorn & Aquarius People with

it helps to remove the malefic effect of planet Saturn . In those native has their birth chart Saturn is badly placed would be continuously facing obstacle and misfortune.

It brings wealth, name and fame longevity and security in life it can improve fertility in barren women

.It cures fainting fits, virility, mental disorder, deafness and baldness

You are also strongly advised to wear Yellow Sapphire from the Vedaksh Jyotish Sewa Sansthan  because we provide certified Phiroza at best price


How to wear this:-

Phiroza should be worn in Shukla paksha or on Saturday under good Nakshatra period. in golden Ring , Locket armlet in middle fingers ( 3rd Finger) or little fingers in a ring of silver ,Iron metal or Five metal after purifying the gems with clean water, raw milk, and the wholly Ganges chant mantras prescribe stone 108 times and then wear  it in the above mention fingers

“ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः”

Om Praang Preeng Praung Sah Sanishrai  Namah.


a) All products are genuine and laboratory certified.
b) A lab-tested certificate will be provided with all products.
c) Expected delivery is within 7 to 10 days.

Price per Ratti

300.00, 400.00, 600.00, 800.00


10.25, 11.25, 12.25, 2.25, 3.25, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25, 7.25, 8.25, 9.25


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