In Hindi or in common language is known as Pukhraj. It is yellow colour and would be considered to be a stone of planet Jupiter. It is Huge Plane planet in our solar system & has an vast effect on a life of Individual .Pukhtaj is that found in every colour.
Jupiter which is known as knowledge of KAALPURUSHA.
In astrology, gemstones are recommended on the basis of the position of planets in the birth chart of Native .Native with unfavourable Jupiter in their birth chart strongly recommended should wear Pukhraj.
Yellow Sapphire is widely used by people with sun sign Sagittarius & Pieces. People with favourable Jupiter are blessed with success in every field of life due to good luck, fortune & wisdom..
It is favourite stone for Educationists, lawyers, doctors, statesmen and politician it can also recommended to students it is very useful for the pregnancy and child birth
It is controls malefic effect of mars and nullifies Manglik dosh and promotes marriage
For the native. This stone give business stability and financial matter. It also increases the wealth, prosperity; life security protects from poverty and removes misfortune.
It cures diarrhea, gastric ulcer, jaundice, heart problem, impotency arthritis, Liver problem, kidney problem, hernia, obesity, Etc
it can be recommended to be girls for early marriage ,to get perfect husband , it also overcome the problem of marriage . It is harmless stone.
You are also strongly advised to wear Yellow Sapphire from the Vedaksh Jyotish Sewa Sansthan because we provide certified Pukhraj at best price.
How to wear this:-
Yellow Sapphire should be worn in Shukla paksha or on Thursday under good Nakshatra period. in golden Ring , Locket armlet in index figure ( 1st Finger) after purifying the gems with clean water, raw milk, and the wholly Ganges chant mantras prescribe stone 108 times and then wear it in the above mention fingers
“ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरुवेनमः”.
Om Grang Greeng Graung sah guruve Namah.
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